Color Multi-Tone
Height 27 mm
Width 29 mm
Avg. Weight 2.9 grams
22" 2.4mm Cuban link chain included
Oshosi (aka Ochosi or Oxóssi or Oxosi in Latin America) is an Orisha of the Yoruba religion originating from West Africa. In Candomblé, Oxossí is syncretized with Saint Sebastian (in the Rio de Janeiro region) or Saint George (in the Bahia region). In Santería, Ochosí is syncretized with Saint Norbert.
The Oshosi lives in the woods and is a great hunter and fisherman as well as a warrior, magician and seer with shamanistic powers. Son of Yemaya he is the patron of those troubled with the justice upholding the highest ethical standards always hitting his mark with his arrow.
His symbol is the bow and arrow. This pendant would be great as piece to add with an existing necklace or put on an alter as an offering.
The bow and an arrow is also a symbol for those in the Sagittarius astrological sign for added guidance and direction.